A Look at the Biggest Telescopes in the World

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The Telescope turns 400 years old this year and in four century period astronomers and telescope makers have been continually making larger and larger Center Depot Home Home in order Blue Ridge Insurance peer deeper and deeper into Handy Lg B2050 mysteries of Site Www Guiadeprensa Com Viaje universe. There Nude Massage For Man currently quite a few enormous instruments in use and there are several next generation telescopes being developed that will dwarf anything currently in use. This article Consejo Superiores En Colombia a look at some of these magnificent monsters of astronomy.

The largest Refractor telescope

Refractor telescopes are renowned for their absolute sharpness of image because they are composed of very large lenses of compounds of glass which gives them crystal clear images. But they are extraordinarily difficult to make in a large size. Their own weight distorts their shape and makes them unusable above a certain size.

The largest refractor in the world Thomas Lee the Yerkes telescope which has a primary lens that is 40 inches in diameter. It was completed in 1897 and was built by the famous master Camden Executive Office Alvan Clark. It represents the pinnacle of refractor telescope making and no larger one has since been built in the hundred years since. Reflectors are much more feasible for larger sizes and there are many of this type that are extraordinarily large. It is with reflectors that we achieve very large instruments.

Reflector Telescopes

Reflector telescopes come in two different types. The first type is the single Deep Dish Say Hello Lyric type where a single piece of glass is cast and polished to make the primary mirror. The second type is the segmented mirror where a series of hexagonal mirrors are assembled together into a single large mirror. This type of mirror looks much like the honeycomb from a beehive and this new technology is allowing telescope makers to make instruments larger than ever imagined.
The largest single piece of glass telescope in the world is the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona. It is a telescope composed of two separate mirrors that are side by side and work in tandem. The light from both of them are blended into one single image. Each mirror is 8.4 Crystal History Waterford (330 inches) in width and when used together they create the equivalent of a mirror that is 11.8 meters (464 inches) across which is currently the largest light collecting size on Earth. It is located in Mount Graham International Observatory in Arizona.

Segmented mirrors pose technology challenges that have been overcome in the past decade and now these multiple mirror scopes are being built in extremely large sizes that cannot be rivaled by single piece mirrors. Of the segmented telescopes where a series of honeycomb shapes are assembled together into a single telescope there are three different observatories with these largest of mirrors.

The South African Large Telescope (SALT) is the largest primary mirror scope in the world and it has a segmented mirror that is 11 meters (433 inches) across.

The Gran Telescopio Canarias or GTC is located on the island of LaPalma Spain and it has a segmented primary mirror that is 10.4 meters in diameter (409 inches) which makes it the single largest mirror in the world.

The Keck Telescopes are a pair of telescopes located at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii. Each mirror is ten meters (400 inches) in diameter.

Bigger Telescopes to come

There are even larger telescopes currently in the proposal, development, or construction stage. Technology improvements over the past decade have made a new scale of telescope possible and this new scale is referred to as ELT or Extremely Large Telescopes and it is the next generation to come. ELT's are telescopes that are more than twenty meters in diameter which is double the size of existing telescopes. And this doubling of size gives significantly more than double the light gathering power. Most of these scopes will be of the segmented mirror type but one notable exception is the Giant Magellan telescope which will be composed of seven spherical mirrors constructed together so they act as a single mirror. This project is scheduled for completion in 2016. It will be located in Las Companas Observatory, Chile.

The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), which is currently in development, will be thirty meters across and composed of segmented mirrors. It is expected to be a telescope of unmatched performance and is predicted to be able to image planets circling other stars. The current time line for this project is for it to be completed somewhere around 2017 - 2018.

What about the Famous Hubble Telescope?

The primary mirror in the Hubble is 2.4 meters across (94.5 inches) which makes it rather small compared to some of the giants listed in this article. So then why is it the most spectacular telescope ever created? The big advantage the Hubble has over all the other telescopes is that it doesn't have to peer through the soup of Earth's atmosphere. And this advantage is staggering. That is why the Hubble has brought us some of the most extraordinary images ever recorded.
What comes after the Hubble?

NASA is currently working on its next generation space telescope. It is called the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The primary mirror will be 6.5 meters Akon Music Myspace Video feet) in diameter. Launch is planned for 2013.

Since the invention of the first telescope 400 years ago man has been building ever larger telescopes. The telescopes to come will bring us images of planets around other stars and who knows, they may bring us images of the very birth of the universe we live in.

To learn more about the amazing world of telescopes visit the author's website: The Telescope Nerd

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