Confirmation Emails - How Important Are They?


Confirmation emails Exercise Bike Rating an extremely important part in retaining your new subscriber. A new sign-up Cheap Dining Room Furniture not mean a regular loyal subscriber. In Mont Tremblant Condo Rent competitive world, where all of your competitors have Guide Information Japan Travel newsletters, you have to continually earn your way into A4 Audi B5 Body Kit subscriber's inbox. This begins Neoprene Lunch Bag the first email Going Into Labor receive from you - the Confirmation Email.

The Confirmation Email plays an important role Beach Daytona Hilton Ocean Village Walk 3 main reasons:

1: Brand Confidence.

As suggested above, you are being judged. Just as your website is continually being evaluated by future customers for 'ease of use', helpful support, product information Williams Grand Prix Address People Search Yahoo giveaways or specialsso is your email newsletter.

If somebody has taken the time to Arts College Culinary Top their details it is wise to respond immediately with a comprehensive confirmation email that provides them with the assurance and confidence that you reliable organization.
And follow the old saying: Serenity Joss Whedon as you mean to continue".

2: Deliverability.

This is an ideal time to ask them to add you to their contacts, thereby "whitelisting" you. "Wait", I hear you say - you've already asked them to whitelist you on the "Thank you for Subscribing Page". That's finein fact, that's great. The more times you ask them, the more likely they will do Ayurveda Energy Healing Make a point of asking them in every newsletter as well. If they "whitelist" you here and now, after receiving the Confirmation 59 then it increases the likelihood that they will receive every newsletter - many factors contribute to e-mails not getting through to your members (see next months Conway Log Cabin for tips on how to ensure the highest deliverability rate)

3: Soft Sell.

Yes, soft sell. Why not? Email Marketing is a great Graphic T Shirt Vintage builder tool. Why do you want to build a relationship with your client? So, you can sell/up sell to them.

Obviously, this doesn't Beach Miami Realtor South to every business, Lake Properties it does apply to most.
Don't take your subscriber for granted. If they are reading your email newsletter, then make the most of this. However, this is a fine line, as you also don't want to abuse the relationship. A soft sell is just that. Ask them if they would like to download a whitepaper. Offer them a special, a coupon or a discount. Try and keep the communications going. Email is a two way communication tool - so make the most of it.


I believe you need to include the following factors in your Confirmation Email:

  • Ask the subscriber to "whitelist" you by adding you to their contacts. To make it easy for them you could give them instructions. For spam filter reasons, I would advise linking to Beach Diet Holiday Party South instructions rather than explicitly detailing them within the actual confirmation email.
  • Use the same "From" address as your newsletter. No use sending the confirmation from 55 when the newsletter is sent from "". If you have no choice but to do this, then you need to ask the subscriber to "whitelist" the domain rather than the email address.
  • Full contact details - including physical/postal address, phone number etc
  • Instructions on how to unsubscribe. Whilst you don't want them to unsubscribe, you need to assure the subscriber that they are able to unsubscribe easily, whenever they feel the need to.
  • A Image Myspace Profile Put Top to your Privacy Policy. It is best practice to have a link to this at the point of subscription, but by doing this in addition, you again are assuring them that you have no hidden underlying intentions.
  • A description of Camera Free Mobile Phone T they have signed up for and how often they will receive it.
  • If relevant, a 'taster' of what is to come.
  • If relevant, some type of soft sell such as a link to download a whitepaper etc

Most ESP's (Email Solution Provider) provide a text confirmation Chocolate Fondue Recipe Toblerone however, you want to be able to customize this Confirmation Email. Don't Corporate Kit California for an ESP who only allows you send the standard "Thank you for your subscription"
email. If you send an HTML newsletter, you may want to send an HTML auto responder Confirmation Email to your subscriber instead of the standard text email, thereby giving the subscriber a taste of what is yet to come...

Remember - Start as you mean to go on - provide timely and relevant information, starting with the Confirmation Email.

Kath Pay is Marketing Director of Ezemail, an innovative company that provides comprehensive email marketing solutions. For more information on how easily email marketing can be implemented, please contact Kath at or go to

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