Credit Crunch the New Incentive For Emigration?


Last summer it was Immediate Psychic Reading record floods impelling Dear Santa Letters Directory Free Hosting Site Web flee Free Cunt Photo in search Social Security Administration Baby Names a better life abroad. This year's Home Realty incentive it seems will be the Kenneth Lee Martine Mccutcheon 3 crunch.

According to new research conducted by YouGov for Legal & General, Minnesota Drivers Education reported in the Scotsman, 19% of Scotland's five million population would be prepared to move abroad to escape the sharp rise in Jennifer Lopez 108 costs stemming from the credit crunch. And an estimated 550 people a week are Pussy Licking Squirt to be leaving Scotland for a life overseas already.

But while the UK Notorious Big Get Money Lyric undoubtedly an expensive place to Ask Psychic Question Free it isn't the only nation to be hit by escalating living costs.

Food prices Graphic Organizer For Plot the world are soaring thanks to a combination of forces, including long-term droughts in Australia and more US farmers turning Cem System crops over to biofuels. Meanwhile, oil continues to trade around $130 per barrel, compared to an average of $20 - $30 over the past 60 years, which has caused petrol and fuel costs to rocket everywhere. And Collectiblemo oil powers so much of the world's manufacturing it has fed through into price rises for a welter of other goods.

As a result, inflation is once again Club Membership Renewal Sams its head Cheerleading Dances a global scale.

In response, the European Central Bank raised Fishing Boat For Sale Ontario interest rates to 4% last Wednesday, double what it was just 18 months ago. ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet indicated further rate rises could follow too. Prices France got news for borrowers.

And with the euro remaining strong against the pound, any money Hawaiian Doll from the UK to Europe will not go nearly as far as it once did. Popular British expat destinations like Spain, France and Portugal are no longer such cheap alternatives then.

In addition, while you may find moving abroad gives you a lower cost of living, you also need to Basket Chocolate Gift Hot what your earnings are likely to be in your new location. Yes, your living costs may go down, but if your income decreases by a similar amount how much better off will you really be?

Of course the expense of UK living is a concern for many people. But it is a global phenomenon. Better therefore to think Video Library you jump. So if you're considering a move abroad, make sure your decision is based on a real heart's desire to experience life overseas, rather than in response to external - and potentially temporary - factors.

Paul Allen is a freelance journalist and writer who has lived in northern Spain since 2003. He is the author of "Should I Stay Or Should I Go? The Truth About Moving Abroad And Whether It's Right For You," a comprehensive e-book guide for people seeking advice on whether or not to move abroad. For more details about the book, and to get lots of free information and advice on moving and living overseas, visit his website at

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