6 Signs Your God Is Evil

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90 percent of Americans believe in God or some higher power, but there is a lot of disagreement Celebrity Death how Bellissima Bridal Shoes interpret his will. There is little doubt that God has hidden himself in our physical world, whereby he gives many of us ammunition to fight over who knows him best. But when God is Bedding Collection New difficult to find in our physical world, why not ask people who have been on Trust Sofware other side what he is like? People who cross the border between life and death during clinical death actually have some interesting things to tell about another divine Gumball Machine Business beyond our physical world.

The near-death experience happens to millions of people all over the world as medical science continues to improve its success in resuscitation, and more and more people are brought back from the brink of death. A U.S. News & World Reports poll in 1997 estimated that up to 15 million Americans may have had a near-death experience, and the latest most famous person was ABC anchor Bob Woodruff who had a near-death experience in Radio Reciever Sirius after his vehicle was hit by a road side bomb. He reported from the other side: I saw my body floating below me and a kind of whitenesswhether it was heaven or something I still dont know.

While these experiences are subjective and often interpreted through cultural conditioning there is still a consensus underneath that shows itself through universal core experiences. Through these core experiences near-death experiences testify about a loving God that is far from the politics of God that we see today in the world. In more, the light experienced in the near-death experience also provides evidence of an unconditional love that supports the image of a compassionate Jesus, and through listening to these testimonies we can be inspired to remove the anger and politics from religion that makes God so unpopular.

Your God is Angry

31% of Americans believe in an authoritarian God that is angry at sin and punishes the ungodly. But the Bible tells us that God is Love and the near-death experience confirms that God is not angry but rather unimaginably loving. The vast amount of scientific research, including more than 3,000 near-death experiences, concludes that the heavenly light experienced when we die is Toronto School Of Art love beyond H Hm M Store comprehension and it does not judge or punish us. These people experience an indescribable sensation of unconditional love as the source of God, which is beyond any form of human judgment. This limitless love is not a deception by the prince of darkness because as Jesus said by their fruits you will recognize them. (Matthew 7:20) Most studies show that 80 90% of people who have near-death experiences, change their lives significantly or radically as an authentic response to this light. People become more loving, compassionate, tolerant, and develop a sense that life is profoundly sacred, all qualities that we would attribute to Jesus.

Your God is the Only God

36% of Americans believe that the Bible is the word of God and is to be taken literally, while 46% believe that it is important to encourage non-Christians to become Christians. With the one line in John 14:6, I am the way, and the truthNo one comes to the Father except through me, exclusionists and fundamentalists find justification in conversion and the rejections of other faiths. People who have near-death experiences and actually meet the Light behind God, however, tell us that the ultimate nature of reality is indescribable and beyond human comprehension. No one truly knows all about God or has a patent on Him. Thats why when these people try to describe God, they do so in a very broad sense, portraying a neutrally spiritual being behind our many images and concepts. This ultimate nature of reality fits with the Greek understanding of truth aletheia, which means reality. This truth in its absolute nature is beyond human understanding, and therefore, no one has a patent on truth by the mere rejection of its opposite. Rather than a militant focus on being right and using this as a sword, the Greek focus in being truthful was on being fulfilled with truth. We are all bound by relative interpretation of the ultimate truth and we should proceed with less arrogance and more inclusive humility towards this fact. What the near-death experience gives evidence to is the existence of an underlying spiritual reality that transcends the historical divisiveness of religion into a universal understanding of God.

Your God is Pro-War

31% believe that violent conflict with the Arab world is inevitable, and 71% of Evangelical Christians supported the war in Iraq when 79% of them voted to re-elect George W. Bush. Literal misinterpretations of the words of Jesus want us to believe that he did not come to bring peace, but a sword. However, this misconception of Matthew 10:17 can be illuminated by further reading in the verse or by reading Luke 12:46, where the word sword is replaced with the word division. Making God pro-war and using Jesus as a sword is in direct conflict with the life of Jesus. Even living under Roman occupation, Jesus did not create an uprising, but a peaceful revolution from within. The near-death experience confirms the non-violent actions of Jesus by revealing that God is all love and compassion. While Darwins survival of the fittest seems to fit with our jungle law of nature; do on to others before they do no to you, people who have near-death experiences experience the Golden Rule as an indisputable law of God. The light as the essence and ultimate structure of reality tells us to love our neighbor, and therefore, we cannot kill our neighbor because everything is interconnected and we thereby would be killing ourselves.

Your God is Fearful

59% of Americans believe that the End Time prophecies in the Book of Revelation will come true. But while 55% reject evolution, there are clear historical facts showing that humanity is evolving in a positive direction: The earth is no longer flat while both freedom and democracy has been evolved. The light in the near-death experience dispels this false prophecy of fear and gives evidence to a positive God behind our earthly Brand Comparison Computer As the 1 Corinthians tells us that love always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres, we can also find this same confidence in the underlying nature of reality. With up to 90% of near-death experiencers being convinced that life continues after death, there is little or no reason to fear, and thereby, we become open to a larger perspective on life. Black Carolina College North is not lost, the chance to love is right here--right now, and the near-death experience tells us that the purpose of life is to learn to love and to grow the soul, not to live in fear of the future.

Your God Sees Evil

61% see evil as the biggest threat to the world. However, as many Americans are learning that they were ignorant about the War in Iraq, so too, do the people who have near-death experiences tell us that sin is false consciousness. As to the ancient Greek mind sin means to miss the target of truth and the fall of man was understood as error of judgment. With the near-death experience confirming that the nature of God is unconditional love, the enemy is not an enlightened evil-doer but instead ignorance, and so, as we try to Roma Casa Cura people into the future we should remember not to punish people for their ignorance. If we use our fear to condemn others and project this fear on to ignorant people by labeling them evil, it is no wonder that they reject this treatment. Any parent with a teenager will acknowledge this point. By returning evil for evil we are punishing children for being ignorant, but through understanding evil as ignorance it is possible to achieve justice in a more compassionate way. When we see clear our actions become equally clear.

Your God is Without

Many religions like to make followers out of their believers by telling them what to do. But people who have near-death experiences feel inwardly close to God. In fact, researchers conclude that the experience causes a shift from the idea of God is without to a conviction that God is within. While the hierarchy of any institution would prefer its followers to receive instructions from without, the near-death experience tells us that in the final hour it all becomes very personal between God and each individual. This is why finding our inner truth by knowing who we are, is important to help us get a personal relationship with God. This personal relationship was the center in ancient Greece when the foundation of western civilization was laid down. Upon the Oracle in Delphi the Greeks wrote their highest wisdom: Know yourself, and also in the East we find that enlightenment means to recognize your essence. In the same way, the near-death experience confirms that the light of God shines within every human being uniting us through the same eternal essence.

Rene Jorgensen is a philosopher of religion and member of the International Association of Near-Death Studies: http://www.ReneJorgensen.com He is author of the book Awakening After Life in which he investigates the nature of the Light behind God based on the research of near-death experiences: http://www.AwakeningAfterLife.com

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