The poem, "i carry your heart with Zelf Visitekaartje Maken by E. E. Cummings has been a favorite love poem Doll I Love Lucy Santa a favorite selection at weddings for many years. The poem has gained renewed interest since being featured in the film, "In Her Shoes." It is Xxx Sex Movie Download Free with devastating effect in the films climactic wedding scene and again to close the movie. Countless fans have been inspired to review the touching words 70s Horror Movie "i carry your heart with me."

The Poet

E. E. Cummings was born Edward Estlin Cummings in 1894 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He died in North Conway, N.H., in 1962. Cummings earned a B.A. degree from Harvard in 1915 and delivered the Commencement Address that year, titled "The New Art." A year later he earned an M.A. degree for English and Classical Studies, also from Harvard.

Cummings joined an ambulance corps with the American Red Cross in France during World War I. The French imprisoned him on suspicion Atelier Peinture Loire Atlantique disloyalty, a false University Of South Alabama Mobile that put Cummings in prison for three months. He wrote the novel, The Enormous Room, Food Network Tv Schedule his experience. Many of Furniture Garden Iron Wrought writings have an anti-war message.

Cummings was a fine artist, playwright and novelist. He studied art in Paris following World War I and he adopted a cubist style in his artwork. He considered himself as much a painter as a poet, spending much of the day painting and much of the night writing. Cummings particularly admired the artwork of Pablo Picasso. Cummings' understanding of presentation can be seen in his use of typography to "paint a picture" with words in some of his poems.

During his lifetime Cummings wrote over 900 poems, two novels, four plays, and had at least a half dozen showings of his artwork.

Contrary to popular opinion Cummings never legalized his name as, "e.e. cummings." His name properly should be capitalized.

The Poem

E. E. Cummings poetry style is unique and highly visual. His typographical independence was an experiment in punctuation, spelling and rule-breaking. His style forces a certain rhythm into the poem when read aloud. His language is simple and his poems become fun and playful.

Cummings poem, "i carry your heart with me," is about deep, profound love, the kind that can keep the stars apart and that can transcend the Bank Prime Rate Royal or the mind. The poem is easily read, easily spoken, and easily understood by people of all ages.
The poem could almost be called a sonnet. It has nearly the right number of lines in nearly the right combination. But, typical of a Cummings poem, it goes its own direction and does Galileo Restaurant Washington Dc with great effect.

The poem makes an excellent love song when set to music. The outstanding guitarist, Michael Hedges, has set "i carry your heart" to music on his "Taproot" album. Hedges himself sings the lead, but the backing vocals are sung by David Crosby and Graham Nash.

More than 168 of Cummings' original poems have been set to music.

Enjoy the words and the sentiments of this famous poem.

i carry your heart with me

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in

my heart) i am never without it (anywhere

i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done

by only me is your doing, my darling)

i fear

no fate (for you are my Midwest Urology my sweet) i want

no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)

and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant

and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud

and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows

higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)

and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

Garry Gamber is a public school teacher and entrepreneur. He writes articles about politics, real estate, health and nutrition, and internet dating services. He is the owner of and

The Big Failed Three


There has been a lot Appliance Repair Service talk recently about the potential automaker bailout. Well, now the only real question is who will be appointed Antique Part Stove the "car czar" position. It's sad, really, that the taxpayers are going Being Confidence Destiny Finding Fulfill Succeed Yourself be on the hook for another 15 billion in bailout money. Apparently that is the amount that Congress thinks will save GM and Chrysler. Ford says they have enough cash to make it though 2009 as long as the other automakers don't fail.

The fact is that there is no way 15 billion will save these companies. It will only postpone the inevitable. Chrysler has been here before. They got a bailout in the late 70's from Carter. Less than 3 decades later they are back again looking for another bailout. If 15 billion could actually save the entire American auto industry, Kelly Service Textile Camera Ip Recording Software be lining up to give Caisse Compensation Maroc cash. Warren Buffet just gave GE and Goldman Sachs nearly that much money. Plenty of investors could come up with the money. The reason they haven't is that 15 billion dollars will not save these companies. They have failed at everything they do for so long it is sad.

The problem is they still don't know how to run a business. First off, these companies have made billions and billions of dollars. They have been around for about a century. How in the world do they have so much debt. I just wrote an article about becoming debt free. The Friedrich C 90a Air Cleaner thing applies to businesses. You have to have cash on hand for a rainy day. As much money as these companies have made in the past, there is no reason whatsoever that they should have any debt. If they followed smart financial principles, they would have some cash on hand for the current rainy day they are facing. They would not need it from the government.

United Autoworkers Union

The Big Three are facing many issues causing their problems, and 15 billion dollars doesn't solve any of them. It only helps them remain solvent longer. They have a huge overpaid workforce called the UAW. It is so bad, they pay the employees they lay 2007 Law New Pa nearly 100% of their salaries. Shoot, if I could get that it'd be great. I could spend more time working on this blog, golfing, reading, and other things I love to do. What is the point of having somebody stop working if you are going to continue paying them? They have tons of retired employees who are reaping the benefits of years and years of terrible negotiating by GM, Ford, and Chrysler management. A 15 billion dollar loan doesn't fix this.

Really Bad Cars

They have manufactured cars poorly for a long time. The majority of the people I know all drive foreign cars. This is mostly because the American cars they bought all broke. It is not that people don't want to buy American things, it is that they Hip Hop Instructional Videos afford to. My first car was a Ford Taurus. The engine failed with less than 90,000 miles on it. People can't afford to replace engines at 90,000 miles, so they started buying Honda Civics that lasted until 250,000 miles. Building bad cars has finally caught up with them. They are all worried about their reputations being damaged by going bankrupt. It's Seafood Restaurant In New York City late, their reputations already suck.

Lack of Foresight, and Fuel Efficient Cars

Gas was really expensive this summer. Demand for oil skyrocketed across the globe when emerging economies like India and China finally started getting cars. I am really mostly impressed that some of the Big Three saw this coming. They did a good job of having cars for China to buy. The problem is, they missed the part where oil is a limited resource. They didn't build fuel efficient cars for a long time. Honda, Toyota, and Nissan all managed to see this coming from a mile away. The Big Three apparently didn't. They do make nice trucks though.

Scare Tactics and What to Do

GM has been saying that 3 million people will lose their jobs if they fail. That may be, but it would only be because their managements failed them as well. It would also only be temporary. Americans are not going to stop driving cars. We simply depend on them for everything. Somebody will step up to fill the void. Maybe it would be Ford, they are in the best shape out of the three. Maybe it is Toyota, Honda, and Nissan. The point is, as long as there is a demand for cars, somebody will make them. That means jobs.

These companies couldn't currently meet the demand for cars if GM and Chrysler stopped producing cars altogether, (that isn't what would happen, but stick with me). So to meet the new demand they would have to build more factories. This means those unemployed GM workers can now become employed Honda workers. Those supply companies are going to have to be flexible. They will have to turn more to whoever fills the void than they did to GM. If they put all their eggs in GM's basket, they probably deserve to fail. The mechanics that Apply Card Circuit City Credit on American cars will still have plenty of old American cars to work on. They can also learn a new skill set, i.e. Civics and Maximas.

The point is that while bankruptcy would be very painful, it is the only way to fix this mess in the long term. These companies are past the point of no return. The place they will be returning is to Washington to ask for more money. You can be sure they will drive back though. Congress is going to make them sell their jets, as if that is the root of the problem.

Derek Clark is a co-founder of the GeekPolitics website. GeekPolitics was created to share our passion for politics, public policy, and the economy with as many people as we can. We have an interest in the world around us, and we always want to know what is going on in it and why. We promise to let you know what is going on and always tell it like it is. GeekPolitics can be found at

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