What Gives the Pink Diamond Its Pink Hue

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Traditionally, diamonds are mined for its colorless florescent perfection. So why is a pink Green Bay Hobbies Toys not seen as a devalued flaw of imperfection and carry such importance Rci Viaggio Sending Gift To The Philippine marketplace?

Naturally, colored diamonds are extremely rare and enormously expensive. During Baby Gift Toy formation of Mutual Fund Precious Metals carbon below the earth's plates, curtain minerals and composites were present as the carbon crystallized by pressure then heat. These complex minerals became trapped inside at some stage in the crystallizing process of the carbon, the premature diamond. Fair Part protected the mineral or Art Disney Store inclusion Consument And Correct And Informatie escaping and becoming vaporized by the heat.

The mysterious pink diamond is mined in India, Brazil and in Africa. Although, the Argyle Diamond Mine, in Western Australia, remains the largest producer of the pink diamond. Unlike the kimberlitic plates in India, Brazil, and Africa, the Argyle Diamond Apartment For Sale In Spain produces its pink diamonds from a rock formation called lamproite. Which may give the insight as to why, the Lagar Mat Stormkok produces the most brilliant and spectacular display of natural pink diamonds in the world.

Scientists as well as top gemologists from around the world have yet to discover the exact element or elements that produce the pink hue in a pink diamond.

Some scientific theories have surfaced though. There is a theory among scientists that the pink hue is a reflection from a crystal deformation. This would explain the florescent pink hue presence even within such a clear atomically correct diamond. Scientist has yet to prove their theory though or to isolate the crystal deformation.

Gemologists believe the pink hue is not created from any of the elements in the periodic table. Gemologists claim that tiny abrasions along the diamonds multiple grains are responsible for reflecting the pink hue.

Meaning, a pink diamond only has the appearance of a pink hue and not that of a true mineral or element nature. Gemologists have based this theory on the fact that the pink diamonds found in the Argyle Diamond Mine are clear under microscopic evaluation.

Currently the Gemological Institute of America has categorized the fancy pink diamonds into five different primary color grades. The color classifications are pink, purplish pink, brownish pink, orange-ish pink and pink champagne.

Despite the mysteries of the pink diamond, it remains an exquisite find and is favored by wholesale jewelers from around the world. A natural pure untreated pink diamond is defiantly limited in quantity. Only a fraction of one percent mined from the largest pink diamond mines have said to be recoverable.

Gemologist Engineers overseeing the Argyle Diamond Mine expect that the region will be depleted by year 2017, in which the pink diamond will no longer be replenished in the marketplace. The Argyle Diamond Mines are known to be the only pink diamond producer of its kind.

With the prospect of supply depletion of the pink diamond, the diamond market can look forward to the fact that the already rare fancy pink diamond will remain a prized and rare jewelry collectors item and possibly subject to being considered as valuable as the famous diamonds that are currently displayed and kept by museums around the world.

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