Review of the Album Fear by Rock Band Toxic

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The whispering clamour surrounded 4 Laserjet Toner Eastern Michigan University Book Store as it grew in intensity my fear of what was to come grew stronger. Suddenly the chanting Beer Making the dread inside me rose as the chants grew louder and my anticipation greater. Each drum beat took me closer to the edge... Artis Forum Malaysia Yang scream ...then Preludium.

Fun over! As I looked at the hellish images on the Toxic album Fear just before I inserted the disc into my CD player I wondered if I had something to be afraid of. A whimsical thought I know but those thoughts continued as I looked at the play list:

01) Preludium

02) Lucifer

03) Fear

04) Live On

05) I am the Fire

06) Panic

07) Tinnitus

08) Feed me Bitch

09) Freedom

10) Truth

11) Nothing Fresatrice A Controllo Numerico Nothing Gained

12) Greed

13) Every Beating is a Lie

14) Fear None

Those titles are not exactly pussy footing around, but my fears continued in a good way as I listened to Preludium. It began with the type of sound effects that are used to create fear and anticipation in horror films and then chanting as if a black magic ceremony was going on. My imagination was working overtime by the time the band kicked in with powerful vocals and backing. I'm told that Preludium was recorded in a large cathedral type of room and that it sounded wicked Prince Charles News I can imagine that!

The other tracks that stood out for me were:

Feed me Bitch - despite the title I loved this track. 'You've got to be poor to feed the rich' that's true. A contrast of sounds with an edge that made me feel the music almost as much as Preludium.

I am the Fire reminded me a bit of Black Sabbath. A full on rock track that got me jumping. To get the full effect I wished that I were listening at a concert and not in my sitting room, but second best was still good.

Every Beating is a Lie tells you to stand up for your rights and not to let them hold you down. I absolutely agree with that. Musically I enjoyed listening to this stirring track and as with all over the other tracks Toxic are getting a good message across.

Fear None is a good finale to the album, strong instrumentals but it does get a bit screechy in places. Not enough to scare my cat who seemed to be enjoying it as much as I was. Ueber 7 Bruecken Musst Du Gehen I like the vocals, the instrumentals and the mad contrasts and was disappointed when the track faded out to nothing and half expected them to come back and shock me.

After listening to the 14 tracks several times I can reveal that there was nothing to be afraid of from Fear. I enjoyed listening and can recommend the album to anybody who Alquiler Piso Santa Coloma Gramenet heavy rock. It's crazy in places, a creative album of unexpected events that left me wanting more. My favourite track has to be Preludium because it was so atmospheric and captured my imagination. Well done Toxic it isn't often that happens.

To learn more about the Norwegian heavy rock band and read my exclusive interview with Toxic bassist Rolf Lura visit - you'll love it!

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