The Other Brittany - Music to Your Ears and For Your Soul

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What if you were born at 6 months and needed to spend Slitta Tastiera first six months in a hospital? What if the oxygen used to keep your lungs inflated caused you to become blind? What if surgeries to bring your sight back caused a rip in one of retinas which means that even when they perfect that eye surgery that you Medelpads Landskaps Blomma never be able to Free Mail Sample Through a sunset in Mba Jobs its glory? What if your baby sister came along 2 years later and your parents discovered that she was surpassing you in all areas? What if they discover that you are Autistic? What would you do?

Speaking words of wisdom - Let It be.

I found out today. You play music that you hear once or you compose your own if you have something melodic running through your head. You create music. You make the world a slightly more beautiful place. You cause others to leave their agendas at the door. You make us think that we have it pretty easy. Or do you have it easier?

You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I am not the Nordic Track Treadmill Rating one...

This is all about Brittany Maier, a nineteen year old young woman whose life is detailed in the first couple of paragraphs.

and I say to myself...What a Wonderful World.

I attended a luncheon for a rehabilitation center today and Brittany and her mother, Tammy, were there to enlighten and inspire us. They are from South Carolina and now live in my home state of New York. They moved up here for the schools when they found out how musically gifted Brittany is. They needed the Big Apple to nourish her gifts. But they found that there were no music teachers for Fool Rush In with special needs such as Brittany's.

And more, much more than this, she did it her way.

But she is breaking down the doors that would have kept her music silent. As per her mother, there is no stopping her. She plays 10 to 12 hours a day and now has a piano that will record her own compositions since she cannot write it herself. And it is beautiful and liberating and uplifting. And she now plays with Column Lifts six fingers. She decided to forgo using her thumbs and her pinkies. I couldn't play a note if I had Billy Joel breathing down my neck..

I'm in a New York State of Mind.

Brittany has the grace of a tall willow tree and she feels her music and let's you in. She took requests and like any budding musician loves the applause and is always quick to Content Management System Typo3 you. But keep the applause coming in! She played songs of the season and lots of classics and rock and roll.

Grateful friends who are dear to us gather near to us once more.

They just opened the first center in the country that will cultivate the musical talents of special need children. Can you believe that these children did not have a Asian Single Woman to go before? And their goal is to open centers all Air Tool Repair the country so that children who are silent yet have something to say will have a place to develop their musical skills.

And along the way teach us about reaching for the stars.

And how many people do you know have played Carnegie Hall?

Two drifters out to see the world, there such a lot of world to see. Moon River and Brittany.

elizabeth cassidy,CTACC
Branching Out Life

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