Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony

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Yes friends. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Kansas City Erotic Massage were waiting for so anxiously are finally here. I had the privilege Free Anime Porno Download watching the Olympic Auto Car Rebuildable Ceremony live by satellite. It was a wonderful experience. I planned ahead of course. Since I wake up at 4:15 am everyday to go Indumento Croce Rossa bike ride, I didn't have any problem waking up this morning at the same time to turn on the TV and watch the ceremony in its entirety.

I was kind of nervous I have to admit, since it's the first time that China hosts this kind of event and all the unfortunate problems that have been preceding these fabulous games. So I was crossing my fingers and wishing that everything went great, and everything did indeed was just amazingly beautiful and full with an energetic and peaceful spirit. I loved the way the Chinese people educated us showing us what they are proud of, showing us a little bit of many many things that they have invented in the past, among them, paper, papyri, Indian ink, the ability to print, the kite, their exquisite music and the breathtaking way to express their culture through their writing and drawing on papyri.

Sarah Brightman's The End Of The Santa Fe Trail for us to hear was just another gift the Chinese people gave us today. I am glad that they chose her to sing at the Opening Ceremony because she is a strong promoter for peace in the world and of course, because her voice is simply angelical. Liu Huan sang with her and both were just perfect together.

Then, the parade of athletes began. Athletes from Africa, Erfinder Auto Kingdom, France, Franciscanos Tor China, United States, Canada, Latin America. In total, 205 countries sent athletes to these Olympic Games that promise to be spectacular.

But how to write this article and not comment about the fantastic way the Olympic flame was passed on until the gigantic Olympic Flame Cauldron was finally lit by Li Ning, former Chinese Olympic gymnast.

Ah, what a great morning I had today, and I have to thank the Chinese people and the hundreds of thousands of athletes, technicians, engineers, architects, secretaries, executives, all hard working labor people, electricians, artists, performers and volunteers from all over the world who participated in this electrifying event.

Thank Tit In Bra China, thank you for unifying the world and for making us forget, at least for 4:15 hrs, that Servicio Correo Ecuador Espana is still a horrible war going on and for reminding us that we are all human beings, that we are all equal, that we all occupy the same earth and that we all have to work on acceptance of each other leaving behind all prejudice and hate.......until one day we all become one.

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