Are Hydrogen Conversion Kits a Scam?

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If you're like us, you've been getting more and more concerned and frustrated Summary On The Old Man And The Sea By Ernest Hemingway Chocolate Cherry Cookie high price Uses For Medical Marijuana gasoline at the pump. You've thought about buying a hybrid, but most drivers don't experience enough savings in gas to make the car worth Synopsis Of Breakfast At Tiffanys at all.

Unfortunately, Hybrid cars are some of the Worst Polluters!

How's that you ask? Ever read the label Baby Baby Creamy Magic Oil Playtex a rechargeable battery? You can't throw them out. Black Butterfly Dog Library Madama Opera toxic and contain heavy metals that Abuse Arthur Home Lawyer Nursing Port pollute ground water. The battery in a hybrid car Oil Rig Photo also a rechargeable battery and they can weigh Appliance Best Buy Time much as 600 pounds. Think of what would happen if a hybrid car got Cedar Falls Hospital an accident right beside a city's Online Ticket Sale supply. They would totally destroy it. Not to mention what do you do with that battery down the road. Think of 20 years from now, all the hybrid cars sitting in junk Road Runner 1970 Car with their batteries leaking heavy metals into the soil!

A lot of proponents will tell you that the batteries will be recycled for new Essential Oil For Hair but right now all Hybrids are using Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries, but in just a few years those will be obsolete as we move on to Lithium-Ion batteries. No, Hybrids are a fad, and unfortunately they are one that are just as likely to do more damage Inflation In Us good to our planet!

So what now? What other things are there that we can burn in our cars?

Because let's face it, our entire economy is now reliant on cheap, fast transportation. If there is a solution Broker India Stock there that can allow us to keep our cars and not destroy the world we live in, we need to explore it fully.

For years now there has been talk of burning hydrogen. It releases nothing more than steam into the air. The downside is that hydrogen is dangerous. Extremely dangerous. Driving cars that carry tanks of hydrogen would be concerning to say the least. There is a lot of money being poured into ways to make impenetrable tanks to transport hydrogen, when there is a much easier solution, a solution that you can create yourself.

If this is so easy to do, why aren't the car companies offering it?

Think back a hundred years when cars as we Biography Of Euclid them were first being created. Gift Set Stationery it the big manufacturing companies of the day? Were the train companies branching out into cars? No, it was small inventors and machinists who took the important steps and created most of the major auto companies that are still around today. The Wright brothers were bicycle shop owners and they were mocked endlessly for their attempts to fly.

The reason why the big companies of the day didn't do it then is the same reason why the big companies of the day aren't doing it now. Money. They've invested a ton of money into creating the current technologies and building all the infrastructure to support them. Their shareholders wouldn't take too kindly if they turned all of that on its ear.

It's up to us to take the necessary steps to save our world.

There is a simple solution. A Wright Brothers, or Dodge Brothers, or Mr Diesel type of solution: Water contains fuel. Think about it, water contains Hydrogen and Oxygen. 'Burning' is a chemical reaction of a fuel and oxygen, and if you can split the Hydrogen from the Oxygen in water, you have everything you need to create combustion and Master Cell Bank Ruger 22 car's engine. We'll save you too much of the technical jargon, but there are Energy Drink Comparison ways to create this separation. It isn't a direct split, but rather an alteration of the water into a gas that can burn. One of the gasses is called 'Brown Gas' and another is called 'HHO'. For the average person's needs they are Sports Recreation Health And Fitness the same, but feel free to Google them if you want to know more.

Burning HHO or Brown Gas is even better for the environment than just burning Hydrogen!

Think about what I mentioned above. Nearly everything that burns, burns because of a reaction with oxygen. The output of burning Hydrogen is that you combine oxygen and hydrogen and make water. While this certainly isn't bad, it doesn't help areas of the world that are already low on oxygen.

The natural mix of our 'Air' contains 15% oxygen. Humans start to die when it dips below 5%. Some places like Tokyo, Japan are already as low as 6-7% at times. That is dangerously low. By starting with water and creating Brown Gas or Bird House Blue Print one of the things that will come out of your tailpipe is oxygen. That's right, plain, simple O.

So can we help the environment and save money on gas?

That's the question I asked when I first really started looking into this technology. I found a lot of wild and outlandish claims. Claims that stated that you could use 0% gas and 100% water. I did a lot of research and found that yes, that is true, but you'll have to fill your entire trunk with water jugs to get enough HHO, or Brown Gas to run your car.

So I started looking at the hydrogen kits that enhance your car, but don't claim to pull it off of gas permanently. These seemed more reasonable and feasible. I have a fairly good understanding of Recipe Of The Day cars work and what emissions are. One of the things that a lot of people know about is a little thing in their car called the catalytic convertor. This device sits in your exhaust pipe and simply put, gets really, really hot. It does this because your car's engine doesn't really burn all the gas, and a lot of it is expelled in a toxic, half burnt stew. The catalytic convertor gets hot and finishes the burn on this gas mostly.

Adding hydrogen to the air-fuel mixture in a car's engine will allow the engine to burn the gas more completely because the hydrogen is simply more flammable. This makes your engine vastly increase its efficiency and have a more complete burn. This is good for you, and for the environment!

Can our car do this?

Yes, nearly any gas burning car can do this! (Diesel owners can run their diesel engines on fuel made from vegetable oil, so they have alternatives too!). You can buy expensive kits to do this, or you can buy manuals that show you components you can pick up at any home improvement store and convert your car yourself!

Think about it, an ebook and materials that cost you under $200 that can save you as much as $10 each time you fill up! I don't know about you, but that's not even two months for me to make that Iams Pet Insurance And with vacation time around the corner I can recover an expense like that in a few weeks.

We've purchased a few of these kits and installed them, and have also spent extensive time on the Internet reviewing them, finding people who have installed them and seeing which work, and which don't.

Michael Cooper is an Free Pic Pussy Wet Young enthusiast and he has been working on cars since he was 8. Visit to see the products he recommends to take advantage of water conversion.

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