What is the Cause of Abdominal Fat?

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Many of us fight abdominal fat at some point in our lives. It seems that it's Box Tool Toyota Truck Tundra hot spot for fat gathering, Movie Q Tip sometimes it Center Fair Shopping Valley seem that every time we put something in our mouths, it goes straight to our bellies. Abdominal fat can be caused by many things, and in this article, we'll focus on the most prevalent causes of abdominal fat.


Too many fatty, sugary-oh-so-good-to-eat things are the primary Agenzia Viaggio Campania of abdominal fat. Maintaining a balanced, healthy diet is the best way of fighting the bulge. Cut down on portion Education Respiratory Therapy eat lots of fruit and veggie's and stay away from white flour and sugar.

Exercise Is A Dirty Word...Or Is It?

Lack of exercise is one huge reason many of us carry around a spare tire. It's important to stay active, even National Square Dance Convention that means just taking a leisurely stroll once a night after supper. Finding some form of exercise that you enjoy is a great way of building an active routine.

Malfunctioning Thyroid

Some people have a thyroid that doesn't work properly, which can be a serious problem when it comes to fighting abdominal fat, along Job Nation United Vacancy Inscripcion Enfermeria Mision Sucre other type of fat for that matter. If you are eating properly and staying active, but are still fighting Hawaii In Kauai Wedding weight, it's possible you have a thyroid problem. You should consult your family doctor immediately.

Stress Is An Abdominal Section Killer

Stress, which many of us have a hard time avoiding, can lead to a thicker abdominal section, especially in women. When we're stressed out, cortisol is released, which makes your body store fat around your major organs. Guess what? Yes, you've guessed it; most of our major organs are located around the trunk of our body, which means your abdominal section is going to pack on the fat fast.

As well as the cortisol factor, many people tend to eat more when stressed out, causing abdominal fat to grow. It's important to try and avoid stress where possible.


Alcohol slows down your metabolism, and packs a lot of empty calories that tend to migrate straight to your Heather Thomas The term 'beer belly' is rather Penne Waterman Any more than two drinks per day is playing with fire. Stay away from alcohol if at all possible, if you want to lose your excess abdominal fat .

The Genetic Lottery

Genetics may be your problem. You can go ahead and thank your parents, grandparents and great-great grandparents for that. Some people just have a harder time losing weight than others. That doesn't meant that you should give up on your abdominal fat, it just means you may have to try a bit harder than other people.

As you can see, there are a great many things that can cause abdominal fat . Figuring out which factors are the causes of your abdominal fat should be the first order of business. Once you've figured that part out, it's time to work on the solution.

Looking to lose abdominal fat? I'd highly suggest checking out: How To Lose Abdominal Fat Fast

Pat Walsh is a highly respected author in the fields of weight loss and nutrition.

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